So yesterday was one of those days where you just really have to blog about it. Lately I've been in the mood of, hating school, working out too much, having no money, and being a little homesick. BUT yesterday was just one of those feel good days. First was at work, I got to go in a little later than 7:45 so I wouldnt go over hours makin those big bucks! Then its RAISE time which means MORE MONEY!! After that, I got to watch THE BACHELOR with Scott (he secretly loves it), THEN, it gets better, my visual media teacher gave us an extra credit assignment which means its optional and I dont really need the extra credit but still ideas just kept flowin through my head. I just wish I was a little more creative on the computer. But WAIT its not over...after my class GLEE was on. This is my favorite show and I'm so happy the season has finally started. And it was a Valentines one which inspired me to wear Valentine-ish colors, like purple, and pink and red. I just love that show. Impressed so far? Well then... I've never really been able to run a full mile without stopping to walk. Make that stopping to run. I dont do running very well. Well this time I ran the ENTIRE miles and added on a SECOND mile running about half of that. Thats the end. It was great! Definately made me a happy person! Now whoever reads this....I hope you have a GREAT DAY as well!
p.s. my favorite part about Glee is Puck. I think one day I'll have a child that looks as good as him. who knows, I might name him Puck! (probably not, but he might have the same hair)